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Book Design|《独活女子手册》


Some people find it embarrassing and feel lonely to do anything be alone. Just like the author of this book, Mayumi Asai, although she loves solitude, she successfully overcomes the embarrassment of acting alone after trying to go swimming alone at night, enjoying flowers, going to the zoo, eating ramen or barbecue, etc. Compromise what you are not good at and learn to enjoy your free time.


She was originally not good at knowing the way and dared not act alone. After she started biking to high school, this problem changed dramatically. Sometimes she rode her bicycle all the way north from her home in Tokyo, returning from different places each time. This period of time has become an unforgettable memory for the author, and it also made her keen on living alone.


The author’s experiences give me an imagination of book cover: she set a foot on the bicycle alone with the wind. The childish joy filling the unknown journey with anticipation. Continuing the cover of the Japanese version, the peach-colored hot air balloon returns full of scenery, happiness and surprises along the way. The reserved internal strength is more than enough to go anywhere.


The illustrations throughout the book vividly depict various scenes of acting alone in life. In order to keep a harmony with the content inside, the cover of Chinese version also continues the hand-painted style and color, presenting a silhouette of a girl enjoying solitude.

BOOK | 《独活女子手册》

Book Details:
作者: 朝井麻由美 Mayumi Asai
翻译: 陈怡萍
出版社: 中国地图出版社
责任编辑: 戴舒
特约编辑: 苑志强
编辑: 叶思婧
终审: 林紫秋
封面设计: 徐文睿
内文制作: 北京梧桐影电脑科技有限公司
成品尺寸: 130mm×285mm



Project Details:
Name 名称: Cover Design for《SOLOKATSU NO SUSUME》
Category 类别: Book Cover Design
Year 年份: 2022
Client 客户: 中国地图出版社
Executive Editor 责任编辑: 戴舒
Cover Design 封面设计: 徐文睿 Venray

Book Design|《独活女子手册》

Book Design|《独活女子手册》
